Project Investment Appraisals/ CAPEX - Brussels


Project Investment Appraisals/ CAPEX - Brussels

Finance Xplained
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Startdata en plaatsen

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  • Bekijk gerelateerde producten mét startdata: Investeren.

Finance Xplained biedt haar producten standaard aan in de volgende regio's: Brugge, Gent


"The successful implementation of any project lies on the effectiveness of the appraisal, the project plan and the management of it."

Whether you are a manager evaluating/deciding on projects or you are in charge of developing project plans, the course teaches you the crucial role which a project appraisal plays in financial decision making and brings you the tools and techniques on how to analyse and forecast the economic viability of your project.

The 2 days are dedicated to develop the skills to evaluate, calculate the viability and decide on new projects, by learning:

  • The rationale behind project appraisals.
  • Understand the capital expenditure decision-making process.
  • Learn the bus…

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Veelgestelde vragen

Er zijn nog geen veelgestelde vragen over dit product. Als je een vraag hebt, neem dan contact op met onze klantenservice.

Nog niet gevonden wat je zocht? Bekijk deze onderwerpen: Investeren, Ondernemen, Bedrijfsovername, Fusies & overnames en Business Valuation.

"The successful implementation of any project lies on the effectiveness of the appraisal, the project plan and the management of it."

Whether you are a manager evaluating/deciding on projects or you are in charge of developing project plans, the course teaches you the crucial role which a project appraisal plays in financial decision making and brings you the tools and techniques on how to analyse and forecast the economic viability of your project.

The 2 days are dedicated to develop the skills to evaluate, calculate the viability and decide on new projects, by learning:

  • The rationale behind project appraisals.
  • Understand the capital expenditure decision-making process.
  • Learn the business case for capital expenditure investments.
  • Get to grips with project management principles.
  • Capital budgeting techniques and the capital expenditure framework.
  • Learn techniques such as the Net Present Value (NPV), the internal rate of return (IRR) and Payback methods for managerial decision making.
  • Explore the capital investment decision model and the soft side of project decisions.
  • Use sensitivity and scenario analysis to build and decide on alternatives.
  • Decide on the discount factor by calculating the firms cost of capital. 
  • Explore the complexity of international capital budgeting.
  • Evaluate methods of debt and/or equity financing and the impact on the capital structure.
  • Understand the importance of reviewing a capital expenditure investment after completion.

Experts in Financiële opleidingen gegeven door docenten met wereldwijde ervaring in het academische als de praktijk.

Er zijn nog geen ervaringen.
  • Bekijk gerelateerde producten mét ervaringen: Investeren.

Deel je ervaring

Heb je ervaring met deze cursus? Deel je ervaring en help anderen kiezen. Als dank voor de moeite doneert Springest € 1,- aan Stichting Edukans.

Er zijn nog geen veelgestelde vragen over dit product. Als je een vraag hebt, neem dan contact op met onze klantenservice.