Dutch Labour Law & HR - Learning Path Complete

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Arthur Hol

Dutch Labour Law & HR - Learning Path Complete

Dutch Labour Law & HR
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Opleiderscore: starstarstarstarstar 10 Dutch Labour Law & HR heeft een gemiddelde beoordeling van 10 (uit 2 ervaringen)

Tip: incompany training nodig? Vraag een offerte aan bij meerdere aanbieders!


What is so different about Dutch employment law?

Are you an HR-professional or a manager, working for an international company (also) based in the Netherlands? Then these workshops are for you.

The workshops are the open enrolment version of a one day workshop attended by employees of multinational companies operating in the Netherlands, such as Motorola, Applied Materials, Sony, KLM, Shell and Aramco Overseas company. For tailor made or intensification of this subject, you can choose the deep dive course Dutch Labour Law and HR.

Before and during the course participants may send in or bring up current or closed practical cases for discussion purposes. During the course, reference will be made to best practices of relevant other (multinational) companies.

Dutch Labour law & contemporary HRM is a learning path with one day workshops for non-Dutch speaking managers and HR professionals working in an international company based in the Netherlands.

Our learning path consists of different modules that can be followed separately too. There is no prescribed order but starting with Module 1, that deals with the basics of Dutch Employment law, is advisable.

How we work

We work in small groups of maximally 8 participants, and on location. It’s always possible to follow a modules online and/or in a hybrid form.

The small number of participants ensures that there is sufficient room for the exchange of experiences and ideas as well as an extensive dis…

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What is so different about Dutch employment law?

Are you an HR-professional or a manager, working for an international company (also) based in the Netherlands? Then these workshops are for you.

The workshops are the open enrolment version of a one day workshop attended by employees of multinational companies operating in the Netherlands, such as Motorola, Applied Materials, Sony, KLM, Shell and Aramco Overseas company. For tailor made or intensification of this subject, you can choose the deep dive course Dutch Labour Law and HR.

Before and during the course participants may send in or bring up current or closed practical cases for discussion purposes. During the course, reference will be made to best practices of relevant other (multinational) companies.

Dutch Labour law & contemporary HRM is a learning path with one day workshops for non-Dutch speaking managers and HR professionals working in an international company based in the Netherlands.

Our learning path consists of different modules that can be followed separately too. There is no prescribed order but starting with Module 1, that deals with the basics of Dutch Employment law, is advisable.

How we work

We work in small groups of maximally 8 participants, and on location. It’s always possible to follow a modules online and/or in a hybrid form.

The small number of participants ensures that there is sufficient room for the exchange of experiences and ideas as well as an extensive discussion of any cases you wish to bring to the table.

Our motto in all we do is putting people first: labour law in service of HRM and not the other way around!

We will start with your values and continue with a broad overview of Dutch labour law and HRM practices in relation to the topic of each specific module. The trainer will incorporate relevant cases and dilemmas as well as solutions.

We will use your values and ambitions in relations to those of the organization that you work for, as touchstones when discussing possible solutions for the cases that brought to the table.

We always finish with shedding light on what could be your first step where you want to incorporate your values into your HR work in the context of labour law, as well as what you need to make this happen.

Included: individual sessions (in person)

As an included service, we offer each individual participant of the entire learning path 3 one-hour in person or Zoom/MS Teams sessions.

In the sessions, we cover any questions regarding the topics of the modules – or discuss actual cases or dilemmas you may bring to the table.

The sessions may be scheduled before, during or after participation in the various modules – according to your wishes.


At the end of each module, you will have:

  1. Up-to-date knowledge of Dutch employment law
  2. Knowledge of contemporary Dutch HR approaches and suggested applications
  3. Concrete solutions for the cases you bring to the table
  4. The necessary knowledge of the deep dive topics you choose to participate in

The learning path of seven different modules can be followed separately. There is no prescribed order.

In our various modules or ‘deep dives’ in a number of specific subjects, we delve into the Dutch employment law aspects and contemporary Dutch HR approaches of the subject along with their advantages, disadvantages and tips on practical application. The ins and outs of the subject of the ‘deep dive’ subject are covered, with a lot of room discussion of your own cases.

Starting with Module 1: “DUTCH EMPLOYMENT LAW FOR TEMPORARY MANAGEMENT (BASIC) that deals with the basics of Dutch labour law, is advisable.


In this workshop we discuss the many contemporary management philosophies in the Netherlands and their practical implementation in the field of HRM in relation to Dutch labour law.  We do this in alignment with your values, ambitions, and challenges – and those trends that are relevant to you and your organisation.


We cover how to deal as a manager with sick leave of employees, sometimes with long-term outages. In the Netherlands the Gatekeeper Improvement Act (Wet Verbetering Poortwachter) will result in a number of, mainly time-dependent, obligations that must be met to prevent any wage sanction from the government agency called UWV. This workshop gives the information you need.


In this workshop we discuss employment law frameworks and practical tips in light of designing ‘improvement processes’ in the event of alleged non-performance and undesirable behaviour, for example based on a code of conduct, warnings and intervention. We will discuss approaches and instruments needed for file building and pay attention to the prevention of non-performance and undesirable behaviour.


Many organizations feel compelled to reorganize, due to financial pressure or for other business reasons. That is a complex job for all involved: management, HR and employees. In this workshop we cover how to deal with the rules of Dutch labour law and a possibly applicable collective agreement, which are often “at odds” with contemporary approaches - and sometimes even go square against them.


In general, employees in the Netherlands have a strong position and a prominent position, fulfilled by the employee participation body. As a (HR) manager in an (international) company based in the Netherlands you are automatically dealing with the employee participation body, the Works Council (Ondernemingsraad) for whom you are a discussion partner. This workshop gives you all the information you need.


In this workshop we will discuss the diversity of employment contracts from permanent to flexible and the diversity of clauses that can be included in these contracts. Think of zero hours, min-max, permanent and self-employed contracts and probation, non-competition and confidentiality clauses, Also we cover the upcoming changes from the government.

We offer our workshops on an incompany basis too, in case you have several colleagues with the same training need. Because the participants now share the company background, more people may participate. The workshop will of course be tailored to your wishes and needs.

Note that our workshops are also available in the form of a one-on-one course, customized to the needs of your organization or yourself.

Feel free to ask about the possibilities!

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    Arthur Hol
    Arthur Hol
    HRM and Dutch Labour Law

    Er zijn nog geen veelgestelde vragen over dit product. Als je een vraag hebt, neem dan contact op met onze klantenservice.