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Learn Dutch? 120 Dutch language courses

Bekijk ook: Correct Nederlands, Nederlandse taal en grammatica, Nederlands en Nederlandse als Tweede Taal (NT2).

Bekijk ook: Correct Nederlands, Nederlandse taal en grammatica en Nederlands.


Individual intensive language training Dutch (week)

Logo van Language Institute Regina Coeli B.V. (de Nonnen van Vught)

Do you want to speak Dutch well? Then Language Institute Regina Coeli is the place to be. You can rapidly improve your Dutch skills with us…


Dutch Course under hypnosis - 40 hour

Logo van Heart of Language

DUTCH COURSE IN DEEP RELAXATION Do you want to learn Dutch and are you looking for a Dutch course in The Hague or online? Heart of Language…


Scaled Agile Framework 6.0: SAFe Release Train Engineer (RTE) - Classroom in Dutch

Logo van Gladwell Academy
Niet Goed Geld Terug
placeMaandag 10 maart 2025 in Amsterdam en 2 andere datums

Voor grootschalige organisatieverandering is méér nodig dan alleen motivatie en een plan. Het vergt leiderschap, overzicht en samenwerking …


Dutch for Expats - individual course - online

Logo van Language Partners Nederland BV

SummaryWant to refresh & improve your Dutch? You can do that with this individual course Dutch for non-native speakers! In 11 weeks, you wi…


Scaled Agile Framework 6.0: Implementing SAFe (SPC) - Classroom in Dutch

Logo van Gladwell Academy
Niet Goed Geld Terug

Een grootschalige organisatieverandering vergt visie en doorzettingsvermogen. Als SAFe Program Consultant (SPC) word je de drijvende kracht…


Professional Scrum Master I (PSM I) - Classroom in Dutch

Logo van Gladwell Academy

Tijdens deze tweedaagse Scrum Master training krijg je de kennis die nodig is om het werk van een Scrum Master effectief uit te voeren! De …


Individual language training Dutch

Logo van Language Institute Regina Coeli B.V. (de Nonnen van Vught)

At Regina Coeli, you can put together a Dutch language course that suits you and your schedule. For example, you can choose a course spread…


Dutch course under hypnosis - 20 hour

Logo van Heart of Language

DUTCH COURSE IN DEEP RELAXATION Do you want to learn Dutch and are you looking for a Dutch course in The Hague or online? Heart of Language…


Dutch course under hypnosis - 10 hour

Logo van Heart of Language

DUTCH COURSE IN DEEP RELAXATION Do you want to learn Dutch and are you looking for a Dutch course in The Hague or online? Heart of Language…


Scaled Agile Framework 6.0: SAFe Lean Portfolio Management (LPM) - Classroom in Dutch

Logo van Gladwell Academy

Met Lean Portfolio Management (LPM) kan een SAFe onderneming strategie en uitvoering op een lijn brengen terwijl de value stream en innovat…


Scaled Agile Framework 6.0: Leading SAFe (SA) - Classroom in Dutch

Logo van Gladwell Academy
placeDonderdag 6 maart 2025 in Amsterdam

Organisaties die succesvol willen blijven in snel veranderende markten, doen er goed aan Lean-Agile te worden. Het SAFe® framework is daarv…


Dutch language training (weekend)

Logo van Language Institute Regina Coeli B.V. (de Nonnen van Vught)

Do you have too little time on working days yet would like to get better in Dutch? Spend a weekend at Regina Coeli in Vught and start using…


Successful Negotiation (also available in Dutch)

Logo van MK Leads
placeDonderdag 10 april 2025 in Amsterdam en 4 andere datums

--This training is available in Dutch & English and Online & Offline. Let us know which you prefer!----English below—Leer compliance te beh…


Dutch-ess from the Himalayas

Logo van Between2Cultures/ Tussen2Culturen

This book is written to inspire people who live and work between cultures. The author grew up in the lap of the Himalayas where the snow cl…


Working successfully with the Dutch|| working with the Dutch

Logo van Between2Cultures/ Tussen2Culturen

This training will be given by a certified and experienced trainer. Understanding the (work)culture of your host country (The Netherlands) …