Tech Lead Masterclass

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Tech Lead Masterclass

Xebia Academy
Logo van Xebia Academy
Opleiderscore: starstarstarstarstar_half 8,6 Xebia Academy heeft een gemiddelde beoordeling van 8,6 (uit 108 ervaringen)

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Startdata en plaatsen

placeWibautstraat 200, Amsterdam
3 mrt. 2025 tot 4 mrt. 2025
Toon rooster
event 3 maart 2025, 09:00-17:00, Wibautstraat 200, Amsterdam, Dag 1
event 4 maart 2025, 09:00-17:00, Wibautstraat 200, Amsterdam, Dag 2
placeWibautstraat 200, Amsterdam
22 mei. 2025 tot 23 mei. 2025
Toon rooster
event 22 mei 2025, 09:00-17:00, Wibautstraat 200, Amsterdam, Dag 1
event 23 mei 2025, 09:00-17:00, Wibautstraat 200, Amsterdam, Dag 2
placeWibautstraat 200, Amsterdam
25 aug. 2025 tot 26 aug. 2025
Toon rooster
event 25 augustus 2025, 09:00-17:00, Wibautstraat 200, Amsterdam, Dag 1
event 26 augustus 2025, 09:00-17:00, Wibautstraat 200, Amsterdam, Dag 2
placeWibautstraat 200, Amsterdam
6 okt. 2025 tot 7 okt. 2025
Toon rooster
event 6 oktober 2025, 09:00-17:00, Wibautstraat 200, Amsterdam, Dag 1
event 7 oktober 2025, 09:00-17:00, Wibautstraat 200, Amsterdam, Dag 2
placeWibautstraat 200, Amsterdam
4 dec. 2025 tot 5 dec. 2025
Toon rooster
event 4 december 2025, 09:00-17:00, Wibautstraat 200, Amsterdam, Dag 1
event 5 december 2025, 09:00-17:00, Wibautstraat 200, Amsterdam, Dag 2


Become a Tech Lead and upgrade your leadership skills! 

General leadership skills are great to have, but as a Tech Lead, you need a little more than that. Are you ready to learn the most useful technical leadership skills from an experienced Tech Lead himself? This 2-day learning experience is packed with interactive exercises, discussions, videos, storytelling, and knowledge sharing. We explore the unique combination of knowledge and skills that distinguish a Tech Lead from a leader working in a technical environment.

“I found the trainer and course both engaging and inspiring, and I would recommend any potential, or current, Tech Lead to grab the opportunity to attend if it becomes availab…

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Nog niet gevonden wat je zocht? Bekijk deze onderwerpen: Amazon Web Services (AWS), Cloud Computing, Kubernetes, Traffic management en Nginx.

Become a Tech Lead and upgrade your leadership skills! 

General leadership skills are great to have, but as a Tech Lead, you need a little more than that. Are you ready to learn the most useful technical leadership skills from an experienced Tech Lead himself? This 2-day learning experience is packed with interactive exercises, discussions, videos, storytelling, and knowledge sharing. We explore the unique combination of knowledge and skills that distinguish a Tech Lead from a leader working in a technical environment.

“I found the trainer and course both engaging and inspiring, and I would recommend any potential, or current, Tech Lead to grab the opportunity to attend if it becomes available to them.” – Glasgow attendee

For whom is this Masterclass a perfect next step?

Are you a Developer about to lead your first Development Team? Or, are you currently a Tech Lead, and do you want to up your game? This course will be most useful for those with experience in this role and those who have the opportunity to apply learnings immediately. Preferably, you are familiair with different parts of the software lifecycle (e.g. story writing, build and release infrastructure, development and test, release and/or iteration planning and production support).

The Masterclass is aimed at inexperienced and semi-experienced Tech Leads, however experienced Tech Leads also found this workshop to be very useful as they rarely get to think and reflect on their day to day work.

What will you learn during the Tech Lead Masterclass? 

This Masterclass will provide you with a clearer understanding of your role and new tools and mental models for handling Tech Lead responsibilities. To create an in-depth and personally relevant learning experience, feedback is always part of our practice. Last but not least, you will meet other Tech Leads (to be) to add to your network.  


You will learn: 

  • What the Tech Lead role encompasses and why your company needs you.
  • Why a Tech Lead is not just any other leadership job.
  • What a Technical Vision is and how to shepherd a team towards it.
  • The common paradoxes a Tech Lead must manage.
  • Why Cross-Functional Requirements matter.
  • How to identify and manage Cross-Functional Requirements.
  • How to manage the path to production tasks and resources.
  • How to manage technical risks.
  • How to build and maintain good relationships with both your tech and non-tech colleagues.
  • A variety of influencing styles.
  • The know-how to navigate conflict and find a way forward.

Your Trainer: Patrick Kua

Almost 20 years of experience with leading and improving complex organizations and software systems make Patrick Kua a seasoned technology leader dedicated to accelerating the success of tech leaders and businesses. He runs this Masterclass around the globe, speaks at conferences, and has written three books: The Retrospective HandbookTalking with Tech Leads and Building Evolutionary Architecture. When we say, "At Xebia, you learn from the best", we mean it!

Developer Learning Journey

This Masterclass is part of the Developer's Learning Journey. Xebia Academy offers a variety of Developer Skill courses at different levels. From Foundation courses that introduce you to a topic to Expert courses that help you excel in your job. Find an overview of all the options here.

Yes, I want to become a (better) Tech Lead!

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with practical information. A week before the training, we will ask you about any dietary requirements and share literature if there's a need to prepare. See you soon!

What else should I know?

  • Literature and a nice lunch are included in the price of the training.
  • Travel and accommodation expenses are not included.

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