Foundation Sales + Customer Services (Business Training - The Hague / Online)


Foundation Sales + Customer Services (Business Training - The Hague / Online)

Kronenburgh Business College / International Business School / Language College
Logo van Kronenburgh Business College / International Business School / Language College
Opleiderscore: starstarstarstarstar_border 8,5 Kronenburgh Business College / International Business School / Language College heeft een gemiddelde beoordeling van 8,5 (uit 21 ervaringen)

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Kronenburgh Business College / International Business School / Language College biedt haar producten standaard aan in de volgende regio's: Den Haag


Volg een mbo-hbo opleiding bij het Kronenburgh Business College in Den Haag of online.

The successful sale of products or services is key to any business organisation since the revenue generated will have a direct impact on profitability. The growth of e-commerce, the ease of access to data and information coupled with increased globalisation, means an organisation needs to have greater management control of the sales process to enhance customer loyalty and retention and maintain the reputation of their brand.

In this training, you will gain a comprehensive overview of the sales process from initial contact to completion, and of the importance of ethical sales practices. You will learn how to prepare for a professional sale and explore the immediate post-sales procedures incl…

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Nog niet gevonden wat je zocht? Bekijk deze onderwerpen: Sales Training, Verkoopmethoden, Verkoopgesprek, Verkoopvaardigheden en Marketing en Sales.

Volg een mbo-hbo opleiding bij het Kronenburgh Business College in Den Haag of online.

The successful sale of products or services is key to any business organisation since the revenue generated will have a direct impact on profitability. The growth of e-commerce, the ease of access to data and information coupled with increased globalisation, means an organisation needs to have greater management control of the sales process to enhance customer loyalty and retention and maintain the reputation of their brand.

In this training, you will gain a comprehensive overview of the sales process from initial contact to completion, and of the importance of ethical sales practices. You will learn how to prepare for a professional sale and explore the immediate post-sales procedures including how the sales order process is monitored, and the development of an accurate quotation. Through practical activities, you will develop the skills and abilities needed to be successful in the sales process.

How is excellent customer service linked to business success? In this unit you will learn that attracting new customers costs a business more than keeping existing customers, so it is important to keep existing customers happy. You can do this by building relationships with internal and external customers and giving them excellent service that exceeds their needs and expectations.
When working in a customer service role you need to understand the procedures to
follow when dealing with customer requests and complaints. This unit will help you develop communication and interpersonal skills when dealing with customers, and to understand the importance of having good product or service knowledge. You will explore how a business builds effective relationships with customers through identifying and confirming the customer’s needs. You will examine how businesses monitor and evaluate their level of customer service provision through obtaining feedback and see how this helps inform improvements to the level of service provided.

The content

Sales Techniques

In this unit you will:
A Understand the preparation and professional practices required in the sales process
B Explore the principles and procedures involved in completing successful selling
C Review the effectiveness of techniques used to carry out sales activities.

Investigating Customer Services

In this unit you will:
A Explore how effective customer service contributes to business success
B Investigate the methods used to improve customer service in a business
C Demonstrate customer service skills in different situations, using appropriate behaviours to meet expectations.

Entry Requirements

There are no entry requirements.

We provide training at MBO3 / HAVO 4 level.


You participate in the college exams and oral exams (see lecture schedule).

You will receive a certificate for the positively completed modules.
This certificate grants exemptions within the follow-up courses.

Further Education

The certificates obtained give an exemption within the Vocational programme Commercieel Medewerker KBC3 and the programme Commercieel Medewerker MBO3.

De behaalde certificaten geven een vrijstelling binnen de Beroepsopleiding Junior Accountmanager KBC4 en de opleiding Junior Accountmanager MBO4..

Lecture times
13.30-20.50 hrs: 3 tutorials in the afternoon and 3 tutorials in the evening. A 10-minute break after each seminar. After the first 3 tutorials there is a big break and many students take a walk through the center of The Hague.

Lecture days: on Tuesdays (6 lecture days).

Time investment
As a guideline, we also use an hour of homework for every hour of lectures. This of course differs per student. This is independent of the study time in preparation for the exam. If the lecturer is unexpectedly unable to attend due to circumstances, the lectures will be made up at another time. The dropout rate is therefore nil.

Participation in all lecture days is important. Practice shows that absence stands in the way of successful completion of a module and study delay is incurred and additional training costs are incurred.

You bring your own laptop with the OfficeSuite (Word, PowerPoint and Excel).

Nice bonus
- No registration costs;
- No VAT on tuition fees;
- No arrangement costs;
- No reproduction rights fees.

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