IPMA D X-am simulation with 350 exercises


IPMA D X-am simulation with 350 exercises

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PRORIS’s mission is to enable successful Leadership. We offer you to Learn and Experience a variety of Situations and Challenges in the daily practice of your Agile Leadership or Project Leadership.

Our X-AM IPMA preparation tool is not only an exam simulator that allows certification candidates to train in real conditions, it also serves to practice exam-like questions, review answers, and learn from mistakes. Thanks to its integrated tracking system, the tool allows to monitor the learner’s progress over time and view the feedbacks for each question.

The tool includes approximately 350 questions and enables certification candidates to prepare for the IPMA Level D examination in an efficient way.

With its user-friendly interface, the X-AM tool can be used on different devices. Learners can practice anytime and anywhere!

The tool offers different learning modes:

  • Learn by compete…

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Nog niet gevonden wat je zocht? Bekijk deze onderwerpen: IPMA-D, Projectmatig werken, IPMA PMO, IPMA-B en Assessment.

PRORIS’s mission is to enable successful Leadership. We offer you to Learn and Experience a variety of Situations and Challenges in the daily practice of your Agile Leadership or Project Leadership.

Our X-AM IPMA preparation tool is not only an exam simulator that allows certification candidates to train in real conditions, it also serves to practice exam-like questions, review answers, and learn from mistakes. Thanks to its integrated tracking system, the tool allows to monitor the learner’s progress over time and view the feedbacks for each question.

The tool includes approximately 350 questions and enables certification candidates to prepare for the IPMA Level D examination in an efficient way.

With its user-friendly interface, the X-AM tool can be used on different devices. Learners can practice anytime and anywhere!

The tool offers different learning modes:

  • Learn by competence element

  • Do an entire exam simulation of 110 questions within 2 hours.

X-AM IPMA is also available in different languages, such as English, German, French.

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  • Vraag informatie aan over deze test. Je ontvangt vanaf dan ook een seintje wanneer iemand een ervaring deelt. Handige manier om jezelf eraan te herinneren dat je wilt blijven leren!
  • Bekijk gerelateerde producten mét ervaringen: IPMA-D.

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