Brush up your C1 level


Brush up your C1 level

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Have you done your Cambridge Advanced Exam more than two years ago and feel your level is slipping? Due to your work environment or lack of practice? No need to do a full course again, just join these two full days in which you will get on top of your grammar, vocabulary, expressions and fluency again. In these two days you will come to grips with the formality of this advanced level and how to apply it to you communication requirements. You will feel challenged on your vocabulary knowledge of a very wide variety of topics and will learn new expressions, often applicable to work situations. You are going to fine-tune your pronunciation and feel confident again to express yourself in the pres…

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Nog niet gevonden wat je zocht? Bekijk deze onderwerpen: Customer Experience, Google Analytics, Customer Journey, UX / User Experience Design en Neuromarketing.

Have you done your Cambridge Advanced Exam more than two years ago and feel your level is slipping? Due to your work environment or lack of practice? No need to do a full course again, just join these two full days in which you will get on top of your grammar, vocabulary, expressions and fluency again. In these two days you will come to grips with the formality of this advanced level and how to apply it to you communication requirements. You will feel challenged on your vocabulary knowledge of a very wide variety of topics and will learn new expressions, often applicable to work situations. You are going to fine-tune your pronunciation and feel confident again to express yourself in the presence of native speakers. The handed out material is easy to use for future reference.
Training days are on a Friday and Saturday and this level is only given twice a year. At the end of the training you will receive a certificate of attendance. 

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Er zijn nog geen veelgestelde vragen over dit product. Als je een vraag hebt, neem dan contact op met onze klantenservice.

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