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Amazic: 19 producten

We help the world’s most innovative technology brands launch new products & services within Europe. Keeping your skill set sharp, especially at work, carries with it a number of challenges. The process can be overwhelming, confusing and lengthy and not only that, a distraction from the day to day role you are employed for. Whether you are a freelancer looking to gain a new, in demand skill, or pa…

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Kubernetes Administration

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Do you know a little about containers and Kubernetes, but need to know more, including how to use them more effectively? Container Solution…


CloudBees Core Fundamentals

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Course Objectives Understand the role of the CloudBees Core products in the CloudBees Suite Understand the differences between the CloudBee…


Docker Fundamentals (2 days)

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Docker Authorized Training Partner Training Docker Fundamentals The Docker Fundamentals training course features the foundational concepts …


HashiCorp Vault 102 - Introduction to Vault Operations

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Targeted Audience: DevOps, Security, and Operations This is an introductory course for operations staff who are responsible for deploying V…


Docker for Enterprise Developers (2 days)

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Docker Authorized Training Partner Training Docker for Enterprise Developers (2-days)As the follow-on to the Docker Fundamentals course, Do…


Docker Fundamentals + Enterprise Operations Course Bundle (5-days)

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Docker Authorized Training Partner Docker Fundamentals + Enterprise Operations Bundle (4-days)The Docker Fundamentals + Enterprise Operatio…


Docker for Enterprise Operations (3 days)

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Docker Authorized Training Partner Docker for Enterprise Operations (2-days)As the follow-on to the Docker Fundamentals course, Docker for …


Docker Fundamentals + Enterprise Developers Course Bundle (4-days)

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Docker Authorized Training Partner Training Docker Fundamentals + Enterprise Developers Bundle (4-days) Please note: Docker Fundamentals: 2…


Kubernetes for App Developers

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When your company prepares to use Kubernetes, the high-velocity, open-source orchestration tool, to deploy, scale, and update containerised…


HashiCorp Terraform 201 - Collaborative Infrastructure Automation

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This course is aimed at existing Terraform users who desire an in-depth exploration of collaborative workflows and advanced features with h…


HashiCorp Terraform 101 - Introduction to Modern Infrastructure Provisioning

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This is an introductory course that covers HashiCorp Terraform, a simple and powerful tool for safely and predictably creating, changing, a…


HashiCorp Vault 202 - Intermediate Vault Operations

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Vault 202: Intermediate Vault Operations Targeted Audience: DevOps, Security, and Operations Prerequisites: Vault 102 or equivalent Vault e…


CloudBees Core on Modern Cloud Platforms - Intermediate

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Course Objectives Understand how CloudBees Core is integrated with Kubernetes Know how to use the major CloudBees Core features that are on…


Jenkins Pipeline Intermediate

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Course Objectives After completing this training module, you should understand the following: How to create, run, analyze and save a Script…


Jenkins Administration Course Bundle

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The Jenkins Administration course bundle includes the full Jenkins Fundamentals, Jenkins Administration Fundamentals, CloudBees Core Fundam…