Learn Dutch? 21 Dutch language courses
Bekijk ook: Correct Nederlands, Nederlandse taal en grammatica, Nederlands en Nederlandse als Tweede Taal (NT2).
Bekijk ook: Correct Nederlands, Nederlandse taal en grammatica en Nederlands.
Successful Negotiation (also available in Dutch)

--This training is available in Dutch & English and Online & Offline. Let us know which you prefer!----English below—Leer compliance te beh…
Private Dutch course 12 lessons * 80 minutes

This course provides 12 private Dutch lessons (delivered via Teams/Zoom) which you can book flexibly with your teacher. This private course…
Private Dutch course 24 lessons * 80 minutes

This course provides 24 private Dutch lessons (delivered via Teams/Zoom) which you can book flexibly with your teacher. This private course…
Dutch as a second language (NT2) – open training course (9 weeks)

SummaryImprove your Dutch with this online course Dutch for non-native speakers! In 9 weeks, you will work in a structured way & together w…
Introductiecursus Elektriciteitsvoorzieningssysteem (English or Dutch)

In the context of your work, have you ever asked yourself the following questions? Who are the stakeholders in the electricity supply syste…
Network Asset Management in practice (Dutch or English)

This 3-day training course provides insight into modern network asset management, familiarises you with the concepts and practices of risk …
Power Cables in General training course (Dutch)

In Nederland liggen relatief veel kabels in de grond. Dat betekent dat veel mensen beroepsmatig te maken zullen hebben met (ondergrondse) e…
Situational Leadership - 3 days (also available in Dutch)

--This training is available in Dutch & English and Online & Offline. Let us know which you prefer!----English below—Deze MK Leads training…
Advising while Coaching (also available in Dutch)

--This training is available in Dutch & English and Online & Offline. Let us know which you prefer!----English below—Ontdek tijdens deze MK…
Facilitation Skills (also available in Dutch)

--This training is available in Dutch & English and Online & Offline. Let us know which you prefer!----English below--Zet anderen in acties…
Effective Client Conversations about Sustainability (also available in Dutch)

--This training is available in Dutch & English and Online & Offline. Let us know which you prefer!----English below—“Een gesprek over duur…
Servant Leader - 2 days (also available in Dutch)

--This training is available in Dutch & English and Online & Offline. Let us know which you prefer!----English below—Deze MK Leads training…
Intake- and Interviewtechniques (also available in Dutch)

--This training is available in Dutch & English and Online & Offline. Let us know which you prefer!----English below—Wil jij meer uit gespr…
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