Dutch Immersion course (60 hours in 2 weeks) - up to A2


Dutch Immersion course (60 hours in 2 weeks) - up to A2

TaalTaal BV
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Opleiderscore: starstarstarstarstar 10 TaalTaal BV heeft een gemiddelde beoordeling van 10 (uit 1 ervaring)

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Immersion courses at TaalTaal are our most intensive courses where you are on a fast track to Dutch proficiency. You will get 60 hours of lessons in 10 days (6 hours per day). For an extra boost, you will also get an additional 15 hours of optional homework assistance (1½ hours per day). The groups are small and lively, so you are guaranteed a lot of attention and opportunity to perfect your knowledge and pronunciation. So far, this course has attracted many serious students, some coming from as far as the USA to spend two weeks to learn Dutch in the Netherlands.

You can expect the following:

  • Remarkable progress in just 2 weeks
  • Realistic results and 1 year aftercare (AYCT)
  • For absolute b…

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Immersion courses at TaalTaal are our most intensive courses where you are on a fast track to Dutch proficiency. You will get 60 hours of lessons in 10 days (6 hours per day). For an extra boost, you will also get an additional 15 hours of optional homework assistance (1½ hours per day). The groups are small and lively, so you are guaranteed a lot of attention and opportunity to perfect your knowledge and pronunciation. So far, this course has attracted many serious students, some coming from as far as the USA to spend two weeks to learn Dutch in the Netherlands.

You can expect the following:

  • Remarkable progress in just 2 weeks
  • Realistic results and 1 year aftercare (AYCT)
  • For absolute beginners and intermediate students
  • Excursions and guided interactions with Dutch speakers
  • Nicely situated in The Hague, walking distance from beach
  • 1.5 hours of homework assistance per lesson day
  • Small groups: 2 to 8 students
  • Best return on both time and money investment

There are two levels:

  • Dutch Immersion 1: it's for total beginners and leads to level A1+   (the first half of the book "Nederlands in Gang")
  • Dutch Immersion 2: it's for people with level A1 and leads to A2+  (the second half of the book "Nederlands in Gang")

If you select the study materials, you get the book "Nederlands in Gang" and "Klare Taal". You can also order them seperately.

For higher levels, please see the entry "Dutch Immersion Course (60 hours in 2 weeks) levels 3, 4 and 5. If in doubt, you're always welcome to ask for a free intake!

Voor elke extra persoon die u aanbrengt, krijgt u 5% korting op uw eigen cursus.

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Heb je ervaring met deze cursus? Deel je ervaring en help anderen kiezen. Als dank voor de moeite doneert Springest € 1,- aan Stichting Edukans.

Er zijn nog geen veelgestelde vragen over dit product. Als je een vraag hebt, neem dan contact op met onze klantenservice.

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