12 Verzekering Opleidingen
Bekijk ook: WFT Hypothecair Krediet, Hypotheekadviseur, Wft Leven / Levensverzekeringen, Pensioen, Wft Schade / Schadeverzekeringen, Sociale Verzekeringen, Aansprakelijkheidsrecht en Verzekeringsrecht, Solvency en WFT Zorgverzekering.
Bekijk ook: WFT Hypothecair Krediet, Hypotheekadviseur en Wft Leven / Levensverzekeringen.
Financial Accounting in Life Insurance
Leerdoelen The primary goal of this course is to acquire a fundamental and critical understanding of financial accounting for a life insure…
Financial Mathematics for Insurance
Leerdoelen Goals of this course include gaining knowledge and understanding of: Pricing by replication; equity options; interest rate optio…
Stochastic Models in Life Insurance
Leerdoelen After successful completion of this course: The student understands and can apply stochastic formulations of mortality events. T…
Non-Life Insurance: Statistical Techniques
Leerdoelen After successful completion of this course students will be able to: Understand the theory and motivation behind Generalized Lin…
Life Insurance Mathematics
Leerdoelen After following this course the student: has insights in human mortality models and human mortality data; has knowledge of a gen…
Non-Life Insurance: Statistical Techniques
Leerdoelen After successful completion of this course students will be able to: Understand the theory and motivation behind Generalized Lin…
Asset Liability Management - Cases
eerdoelen In this hands-on seminar the students will learn about practical implementation of an Asset Liability Management study focusing o…