2-Week Online Strategic Storytelling Training Course

Startdatum en plaats

2-Week Online Strategic Storytelling Training Course

DesignThinkers Academy
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Opleiderscore: starstarstarstarstar_border 8,2 DesignThinkers Academy heeft een gemiddelde beoordeling van 8,2 (uit 12 ervaringen)

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Startdata en plaatsen

computer Online: Zoom
28 feb. 2025 tot 6 mrt. 2025


This highly interactive online course is designed to erase the mystery surrounding storytelling practices and introduce participants to the fundamentals of applied narrative. By using practical examples and insights into the storytelling crafting process, this experiential course will equip you with an understanding of how to ‘think in story’.

This 2-week Strategic Storytelling Course consists of 4 modules, focusing on all aspects of storytelling relevant to furthering your understanding of the value of it. You will be equipped with the practical tools required to apply this knowledge. 

Each week consists of interactive Online Classroom sessions and tips to start applying and implementing …

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Nog niet gevonden wat je zocht? Bekijk deze onderwerpen: Storytelling, Concepting, Verhalen schrijven, Conceptontwikkeling en Visueel communiceren.

This highly interactive online course is designed to erase the mystery surrounding storytelling practices and introduce participants to the fundamentals of applied narrative. By using practical examples and insights into the storytelling crafting process, this experiential course will equip you with an understanding of how to ‘think in story’.

This 2-week Strategic Storytelling Course consists of 4 modules, focusing on all aspects of storytelling relevant to furthering your understanding of the value of it. You will be equipped with the practical tools required to apply this knowledge. 

Each week consists of interactive Online Classroom sessions and tips to start applying and implementing what you’ve learned. A follow-up call will provide you with the opportunity to reflect on the course and ask final questions to your Facilitator. This way, you will be able to immediately implement your newly acquired skills into practice.  

Our expert facilitators will teach you the various aspects of storytelling including the compelling scientific rationale behind storytelling, the economic benefit of storytelling, structure and frameworks, components of a good story and choices for effective delivery.

- Make an impactful message

- Powerful tool for empathy

- Improve collaborative dynamics

- Imagination & storytelling

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