Understanding Global Macroeconomics: Understand the impact of macroeconomic developments on your business (Corporate Finance)

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Understanding Global Macroeconomics: Understand the impact of macroeconomic developments on your business (Corporate Finance)

Amsterdam Institute of Finance
Logo van Amsterdam Institute of Finance
Opleiderscore: starstarstarstarstar_half 9,2 Amsterdam Institute of Finance heeft een gemiddelde beoordeling van 9,2 (uit 5 ervaringen)

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Startdata en plaatsen

24 nov. 2025 tot 25 nov. 2025
Toon rooster
event 24 november 2025, 09:00-17:30, Amsterdam
event 25 november 2025, 09:00-17:30, Amsterdam


Managers, especially those working in the finance sector, are bombarded by macroeconomics and financial news from around the world. Since almost all decisions in this increasingly interconnected world depend on both macro and foreign developments, it is important for managers to understand how to integrate this information into a coherent framework.

In the Understanding Global Macroeconomics program, the participants will be introduced to various aspects of macroeconomics and will get acquainted with the main concepts and policy debates: from economic growth to monetary policy. From inequality to productivity growth and from geopolitics to debt sustainability. We will look into some theoret…

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Nog niet gevonden wat je zocht? Bekijk deze onderwerpen: Corporate finance, Globalisering, Financiële dienstverlening, Administratief Medewerker en Financieel Adviseur.

Managers, especially those working in the finance sector, are bombarded by macroeconomics and financial news from around the world. Since almost all decisions in this increasingly interconnected world depend on both macro and foreign developments, it is important for managers to understand how to integrate this information into a coherent framework.

In the Understanding Global Macroeconomics program, the participants will be introduced to various aspects of macroeconomics and will get acquainted with the main concepts and policy debates: from economic growth to monetary policy. From inequality to productivity growth and from geopolitics to debt sustainability. We will look into some theoretical foundations of the macro economy: economic growth, institutions, fiscal policy, as well as monetary policy. The international economy, exchange rates, trade policy and optimal currency areas will equally be examined. During the two days you will apply the different insights and methodologies to real-life examples. Recent articles on policy debates will be discussed in plenary: these can range from inflation to protectionism, the impact of AI on monetary policy or the relationship between climate policy and financial stability. During these discussions you will apply the various insights, methodologies and theories to the recent topics that are discussed.

How you will benefit

  • Be able to interpret high level articles and policy debates about economics, the main international policy discussions.
  • Construct logical relationships between all major macroeconomic variables and entities: technology, productivity, economic growth, demographics, interest rates, climate change, income distribution, exchange rates, domestic politics, international institutions.
  • Be able to engage in topical policy debates.
  • Tie business decisions to macroeconomic policy debates.
  • Apply macroeconomic insights and sources into practical recommendations.

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